Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F. Buch: A Third Collection Titel: A Third Collection Stichwort: Authentizität; Nicht-Authentizität: Fortschritt, Niedergang (decline); Erlösung Kurzinhalt: The fruit of authenticity is progress; the fruit of unauthenticity is decline; redemption Textausschnitt: 16/1 A more effective approach is to adopt a more synthetic viewpoint. The fruit of authenticity is progress. For authenticity results from a long-sustained exercise of attentiveness, intelligence, reasonableness, responsibility. But long-sustained attentiveness notes just what is going on. Intelligence repeatedly grasps how things can be better. Reasonableness is open to change. Responsibility weighs in the balance short- and long-term advantages and disadvantages, benefits and defects. The longer these four are exercised, the more certain and the greater will be the progress made. (9; Fs) (notabene) |