
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Epistemologie; Zusammenfassung; Grundfehler; Objektivität; Horizont

Kurzinhalt: Grundannahme der Grundfehler; Unterschied: Notion, Begriff;

Textausschnitt: Both of these mistakes assume a more primordial and pervasive mistake, which is to assume that subjects and objects are immediately known because reality is already known. And such reality is assumed to be known directly and immediately.

() My approach to the problem of objectivity has been just the opposite. I have assumed that neither you, the subject, nor objects, nor reality can be directly and immediately known. Instead I have identified the three-level structure of knowing, and through it I invited you to take yourself as the object to be understood and affirmed; your own subject becomes the to-be-known object.

FLSK_7/6: What distinguishes a notion from a concept is that a notion is defined, not directly, but implicitly in terms of the cognitive acts through which being becomes known.


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