
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Topics in Education

Titel: Topics in Education

Stichwort: Philosophic differences

Kurzinhalt: act, form, and potency; basic group: differences among philosophers; one can read fruitfully all sorts of material without losing one's way

Textausschnitt: 51/7 Those operations, as a group, determine an object. There is an object proportionate to such operations. The object will be compounded of act, form, and potency, where act is the component in the reality corresponding to the is of judgment, ..
52/7 The basic group of operations yields the structure of material being in scholastic philosophy. We can go beyond material being by excluding potency. This leaves two possibilities:
(1) form and act, and
(2) act.
These pertain, respectively, to angels and to God. And from this basic group of operations we can go on to discuss the differences among philosophers, and so to offer a theory of philosophic differences. (177; Fs) (notabene)
53/7 The importance of the theory of philosophic differences is that, if one gets a sufficient grasp of it, one can read fruitfully all sorts of material without losing one's way. If one is limited in one's reading and inspiration exclusively to the works written by Catholics that have been approved as safe, one is cutting down enormously one's field of study, one's sources.


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