
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Objektivität; 3 Arten; Unmittelbarkeit; Raum, Zeit; inverse Einsicht

Kurzinhalt: empirische, normative und absolute Objektivität; Newton, Einstein, Aristoteles; epistemologischer Grundfehler

Textausschnitt: There are, then, three different forms of objectivity in every correct judgment: empirical objectivity; normative objectivity; and absolute objectivity. If a knower thinks that knowing is a simple one-level activity, that knower will have made the basic epistemological mistake of confusing the first-level immediate givenness of experience with the third-level critically mediated experience.

() The 'absolute' that Newton was seeking in order to guarantee the objectivity of his knowing is to be found not in the concrete immediate givenness of this universe, but in correctly mediated judgments about that immediate givenness.

() This means that correctly mediated facts are within the concrete intelligible universe of being, and not in space and time. Space and rime are simply limits ...


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