
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Topics in Education

Titel: Topics in Education

Stichwort: Weisheit als 1. Gabe des Geistes; Weisheit und Naturwissenschaft

Kurzinhalt: a man who has the wisdom to know when there are no further relevant questions, when the matter can be settled,

Textausschnitt: 30/7 As you know, there is no rule of thumb for producing men of good judgment. A man of good judgment is a man who has the wisdom to know when there are no further relevant questions, when the matter can be settled, when he can say, 'Yes' or 'No.' Moreover,
So wisdom, while it is necessary for good judgment, for knowing whether or not there are any further relevant questions, still is a foundation that lies ahead. It is not the sort of foundation that we have at the start and on which we build; it is the goal towards which we move. And we can always grow in wisdom. Complete wisdom is God's knowledge.


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