
Autor: Lawrence, G. Frederick

Buch: Communication and Lonergan

Titel: The Human Good and Christian Conversation

Stichwort: Conversation with the outer word: Its redemptive function; moral impotence (dem Sinn nach)

Kurzinhalt: we want to repent, to change; but we cannot change ourselves. And so the Risen Lord forgives us for our involvement in personal and structural sin; he thereby gives us the strength

Textausschnitt: 41 I want to underline Lonergan's statement:
Without the visible mission of the Word, the gift of the Spirit is a being-in-love without a proper object; it remains simply an orientation to mystery that awaits its interpretation. (1985, p. 32)
Perhaps for most of us, Christian conversion involves encountering the Christ, the Son of God, whose story is to be read in the Gospels and the significance of that story in the Old Testament and the New Testament, in the light of God's gift of love. As with the original disciples, it is the Risen Lord who first reveals to us our own very real implicatedness in personal and structural sin; who reveals us to be the co-causes of his suffering; he who shows us the extent of suffering our sin cost him, and who communicates to us the judgment of his Father on the sheer horribility of that personal and structural sin. Confronted by our responsibility for our part in sin, we want to repent, to change; but we cannot change ourselves. And so the Risen Lord forgives us for our involvement in personal and structural sin; he thereby gives us the strength at once to take responsibility for our sin and to claim a new identity by uniting us with his redemptive suffering. He enables us to accept consciously, knowingly, responsibly the de facto intelligibility of this concrete universe: the law of the cross as the movement through death to life eternal. (262f; Fs)


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