Stichwort: Wissen Autor, Quelle: Lonergan, Bernard J.F., The Trinune God: Systematics Titel: Wissen - 3 Stufen Index: Wissen - Irrtümer; Positivisten, Pragmatisten; Relativisten, Idealisten; Realisten Kurzinhalt: ... nevertheless this same position is defended in many different ways: at one time it takes the form of materialism, then of sensism, third of empiricism, fourth of phenomenalism, fifth of positivism, and sixth of pragmatism. Others, however... Text: 317a In addition to the subtlety of the question there is its profundity. Knowledge that is properly human is achieved in three steps: first, we experience externally or internally; second, through inquiry into the data of sense or of consciousness, we understand and conceive; and third, by reflecting and pondering the evidence we affirm what is true, and through truth as through a medium we know being. But it is one thing to complete the process of knowing through these three steps and quite another to come to know by this same three-step process that our knowledge is achieved in these three steps. For this reason, in completing these three steps, those who come to know only the first step join the ranks of the empiricists, who do not acknowledge that there is anything we can know besides external sensible data and an internal empirical 'ego.' Despite the fact that this position is manifestly in conflict with their own intelligence, nevertheless this same position is defended in many different ways: at one time it takes the form of materialism, then of sensism, third of empiricism, fourth of phenomenalism, fifth of positivism, and sixth of pragmatism. Others, however, in completing this three-step cognitional process, do so in such a way that they clearly and distinctly grasp not only the first step but also the second. And since the same or similar data of sense and data of consciousness are wont to be understood by different persons in different ways, there are some that are called relativists, who cannot consider any intelligible to be absolutely true, or immanentists, for whom truth, through which alone being is attained, is unknown, or idealists, who hold that nothing can be true except a perfect understanding of all intelligibles, or instrumentalists, who hold that any intelligible is true only as long as it leads to successful practical results, and so forth. Others, finally, not only know by the three-step cognitional process but also grasp the nature of those three steps. They are the realists, who affirm that being that is proportionate to our knowing is composed of potency, form, and act, just as our knowing is achieved through experience, understanding, and judging. (Fs) (notabene) Stichwort: Wissen Autor, Quelle: Leppin, Volker, Wilhelm von Ockham Titel: Definition - Ockham, Scotus Index: "Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis ist eine evidente Erkenntnis eines Wahren und Notwendigen, die geeignet ist, durch vermittels syllogistischem Diskurs hierauf angewandte Prämissen verursacht zu werden." Kurzinhalt: Wissenschaftlichkeit entstand durch die Kombination schon zuvor evident erkannter Prämissen im Rahmen des anerkannten syllogistischen Schlussverfahrens, nach dem aus einem Obersatz und einem Untersatz eine Schlussfolgerung zu ziehen war. Text: 54c Bei Ockham selbst verknüpfte sich in der Zentralstellung der Logik zweierlei: Zum einen ging es ihm um den methodischen Charakter des logischen Denkens, der generell Wissenschaftlichkeit ausmacht und definiert. Neben dieser Akzentuierung auf eine bestimmte wissenschaftliche Verfahrensweise war Ockham aber auch ein Umbau der gesamten Wissenschaftssystematik wichtig: Logik als Wissenschaft von dieser Methode aber rückte hierdurch zugleich - und das ist der eigentliche Effekt von Ockhams kritischem Denken - in eine Stellung ein, die sie zum Gegenüber sämtlicher anderer Wissenschaften machte. (Fs) |