
Stichwort: Geist

Autor, Quelle: Lonergan,

Titel: Geist

Index: Unterschied, Abhängigkeit: Geist - Leib; innere, äußere Abhängigkeit

Kurzinhalt: ... the characteristics that are proper to human beings are divided into those that are found to be strictly spiritual and those that depend intrinsically upon the body

Text: 173c What we have immediate knowledge of are the natures either of minerals or plants or animals or human beings. Minerals, plants, and animals are entirely material. God, however, is completely immaterial. Therefore, since analogy has its foundation in likeness, and since an analogy of nature has its foundation in a likeness of nature, the trinitarian analogy has to be sought not from minerals or plants or other animals, but from human beings, and specifically from the characteristics that are proper to human beings. (Fs)

173d Moreover, the characteristics that are proper to human beings are divided into those that are found to be strictly spiritual and those that depend intrinsically upon the body, or upon vegetative life, or upon sentient life. Thus, understanding and judging and willing not only are proper to human beings, but only extrinsically do they depend upon matter. On the other hand, speech is also proper to human beings; but it cannot be exercised without the mouth and tongue and throat, from which it immediately proceeds. Now, of course, there is nothing in God that depends intrinsically upon matter. So a likeness of nature between God and human beings can be found only in what is proper to human beings and, within that complex, only in what is strictly spiritual. (Fs) (notabene)


Stichwort: Geist

Autor, Quelle: Lonergan,


Index: Unterschied: geistiges, sinnliches Bewusstsein

Kurzinhalt: Sensitive consciousness differs from intellectual consciousness because sensitive consciousness is governed by specific laws, while intellectual consciousness is governed by transcendental laws.

Text: 175e Sensitive consciousness differs from intellectual consciousness because sensitive consciousness is governed by specific laws, while intellectual consciousness is governed by transcendental laws. Thus, within sensitive consciousness conscious act originates from conscious act in accordance with the spontaneity of sensitive nature itself. The spontaneity is determined by nature itself in such a way that it is perfected through acquired dispositions and habits; then, one can perform promptly, easily, and with pleasure all that belongs to this determinate nature, in whatever circumstances. There is also a spontaneity of intellectuality but it is such that it is governed only by transcendental laws, laws that are bound to no particular nature but are ordered to the transcendentals themselves: to being (the concrete, the all, the existing), the one, the true, the good. For this reason, intellectuality is self-governing, self-determining, autonomous. It is indeed under rule inasmuch as it is constituted by its own transcendental desire; still, it rules itself inasmuch as under God's agency it determines itself to its own acts in accordance with the exigencies of its own intellectuality. (Fs) (notabene)


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