
Stichwort: Freund, Freundschaft

Autor, Quelle: Lonergan, Bernard J.F., The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: Freund - zweites Selbst

Index: Freund, Freundschaft - Ordnungsgut, Heiliger Geist

Kurzinhalt: For friends who pursue a common good of order, work together in an orderly way, and enjoy a succession of particular goods, are so far from living each one for himself or herself that they may rather be said to have one life in common.

Text: 507b Further, by the very fact that a friend is loved there results a quasi-identification of the friend with the lover. Thus, a friend is said to be a second self, or as the poet says, 'half of my soul.' For friends who pursue a common good of order, work together in an orderly way, and enjoy a succession of particular goods, are so far from living each one for himself or herself that they may rather be said to have one life in common. Now, God loves himself. This divine love of God implies not only a quasi-identification, but even a total identity. For divine willing is God himself, and therefore the Holy Spirit, who proceeds in God as Love, is God. (Fs)


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