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Autor: Flanagan, Josef: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Zusammenfassung

Kurzinhalt: Zusammenfassung des ganzen Anliegens

Textausschnitt: In other words, the basic human challenge is to become religiously, morally, and intellectually authentic. For any concrete knower, chooser, and lover, to be authentic is to have appropriated the basic tension between unrestricted capacity and restricted achievements. More concretely, this means that individuals or a community have to have appropriated the distinction between their lived, cultural selves and their potential selves, which may always be further developed. Such development in turn depends on a dialectical interpretation of the inherited, historical currents of meanings and values that form the context or horizon of that community, and such a dialectical interpretation assumes a metaphysical, moral, and religious integrating structure.

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