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Autor: Voegelin, Eric: Israel and Revelation

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: Propheten: Transzendenz - Welt; die Widersacher müssen die Sprache des Heils sprechen

Kurzinhalt: ontological distinctions between the worldtranscendent God and the world; punishment and salvation: one symbolism -> experience of the conflict

Textausschnitt: 66/13 The prophets thus forced the dialectics of order into articulation over the wide range of ontological distinctions between the worldtranscendent God and the world, the tension between divinely willed and humanly realized order, the types of existence in faith and defection, the existential appeal and the stubbornness of heart, the dual symbolism of the prophecies of punishment and salvation, the fundamentalist device of literal misunderstanding, the exploitation of the device by the "false prophets," the suffering of persecution and martyrdom, and the prophetic device to protect and preserve the truth of salvation through schools of disciples who became the carriers of the secret. The range of articulation from ontological distinctions to the physical conflict between the prophets and their enemies suggests that with the entrance of revelation into history a new order has been established indeed. For even those who reject it cannot create an alternative order, but are forced to create its semblance by perverting the symbols of revelation and prophetism. Even perdition must speak the language of salvation. We recall the profound prophecy of Hosea 13:9: "That will be to your destruction, O Israel, that it is with me you find your help." (463; Fs) (notabene)

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