
Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Verdrängung; schöpferisches Streben

Kurzinhalt: Folgen eines verdrängten kreativen Strebens: Melancholie, Ermüdung, körperliche Symptome

Textausschnitt: () Such artistic sacrifice [eg: m Beispiel von Berlioz], and the death of so pressing an idea not only ties down inspiration, it leaves the personality hobbled, unable later to vault the fences to creative freedom. Few can stand the strain and counterstrain which such a life entails.

() His interest turns to some goal easier of attainment. He tries to forget his ambitions, to cut them off from awareness. But these dynamic groups of ideas, - forming a repressed 'creative complex,' - still control his perceptions, determine his moods. The hidden enterprise bobs up in hydra-headed forms producing sometimes melancholy, anxiety, fatigue, sometimes inflation of the ego ...

() In extreme cases even a 'conversion' of the affect - emotion - of the repressed system into bodily symptoms may take place. Mild hysterical or neurasthenic symptoms are common. These play up and down the whole gamut of symptomatology from possible disturbance of action, perception, and memory to the most serious functional disorders.


Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Represssion; Streben, künstlerisches
The dectructive effect of repression

Kurzinhalt: Repression als Folge der Unterdrückung künstlerischen Schaffens; am Beispiel französischer Maler: Delacroix; Courbet; Manet

Textausschnitt: () There seems little question that prolonged, enforced repression of the creative desire may lead to actual breakdown of the personality. A number of the best known French, modernist painters will serve to illustrate the point.

() The stifling of creative interests is no incidental matter; it cuts at the very roots of satisfaction in living. If the burden is not too great, such men escape the fate of neurosis, or breakdown, through the expressive medium of their genius. Otherwise pathology is too often the price paid, and disintegration the result.


Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Regression; Streben, künstlerisches

Kurzinhalt: Regression als Folge der Unterdrückung künstlerischen Schaffens; am Beispiel von: Cézanne; Liszt; Turner; Michelangelo

Textausschnitt: () Others may show symptoms of regression, return for solace to the inner world of fantasy, preserving the integrity of the personality by breaking connections with the outer world. They drop mature patterns of creative enterprise in favor of outgrown and easier ones ...

() Friends and ordinary events cannot release their emotions, and in fact they seem to have none.

() The world of reality with its normalizing contacts, and its consistent balance ceases to exist. And when introversion reaches such a dominant stage, adjustment to that exacting world becomes difficult if not impossible - and again pathology results. Regression cuts off creation low down on the stem, so that future flowering is inhibited.


Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Kompensation; Streben, künstlerisches

Kurzinhalt: Kompensation als Folge der Unterdrückung künstlerischen Schaffens; Daumier

Textausschnitt: () Still others violently compensate for their lack of progression in the chosen field of creative endeavor by the resumption of efforts in another ...


Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Genie; psychische Abnormalität; Heilung durch schöpferische Tätigkeit
künstlerisches Schaffen; Selbstzerstörung

Kurzinhalt: Ist das Genie schöpferisch, weil es neurotisch ist, oder ist es neurotisch, weil es nicht voll schöpferisch tätig sein kann?; Kretschmer; das psychische Gleichgewicht stellte sich ein durch die schöpferische Tätigkeit

Textausschnitt: () The essence of our question should be: is the man of genius a creator because he is a psychotic or neurotic or is he a neurotic because he cannot be fully a creator?

() ... balance is restored by the completion of the creative - expressive - cycle, not destroyed by it; and that balance is maintained until symptoms of frustration are again brought into existence by some newly shouldered responsibility.

() balance is restored by the completion of the creative - expressive - cycle, not destroyed by it; and that balance is maintained until symptoms of frustration are again brought into existence by some newly shouldered responsibility.


Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Prozess; schöpferischer; Management, Frustration

Kurzinhalt: Methode, um mit der Frustration im Zusammenhang mit dem schöpferischen Prozess umzugehen

Textausschnitt: () ... I suggest as the most effective way an acceptance of a period of renunciation or recession, a turning to unrelated interests, a purposive rejection of the problem from consciousness. The essential difficulty of the problem makes necessary its abandonment for the time being.

()Such suppression, or laying aside of the problem, is to be distinguished from simple repression by its foresighted, voluntary, character. It is a deliberate attempt to systematize the creative process by setting aside the problem for a planned interval, with intentions of consciously resuming it at a specified later date. In the interim it may appear repeatedly in consciousness, no matter.


Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Verdrängung; Ablehnung, bewusst

Kurzinhalt: Unterschied zw. Verdrängung und bewusster Ablehnung

Textausschnitt: Such suppression, or laying aside of the problem, is to be distinguished from simple repression by its foresighted, voluntary, character. It is a deliberate attempt to systematize the creative process by setting aside the problem for a planned interval, with intentions of consciously resuming it at a specified later date. In the interim it may appear repeatedly in consciousness, no matter.


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